WHO Poll

MrBen 8:27 Wed Jun 21
Day of Rage
Are you RAGING?

Looks to be rather an afternoon of RAGE going by the Movement for Justice By Any Means Necessary's scheduled 1pm kick-off time.

They're aiming to bring-down the government but that'll be a tough-ask especially on the hottest day for 40yrs...

Whilst most likely to be nothing more than annoyance in and around Westminster I trust the police don't fuck-about like they did with the Duggan protest...

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Willtell 9:46 Wed Jun 21
Day of the Wimper...

Gavros 9:46 Wed Jun 21
I checked that street. There's no shops on it. So you must be a liar, rios.

Gavros 9:44 Wed Jun 21
200 people turned up according to the OB

Ha ha

riosleftsock 9:08 Wed Jun 21

The most significant thing to come out of this is that I got salt beef right at the heart of the agenda.

It was the best salt beef beigel/bagel that I have had for many years as they knew how to do it.

Heaps of tender, pink salt beef, hot mustard, mayo and strong sliced gherkins.

Italian cafe run by some very nice Syrians. Their houmous is also superb.

1964 8:03 Wed Jun 21
Yes, I am incandescent with RAGE!

Peel me a grape.

Johnson 7:57 Wed Jun 21
Has anything actually happened on this?

terry-h 7:37 Wed Jun 21
Did the march go past Blair's home in Connaught Square( one of his 37 properties) ?

There's a lot to get angry with the former Labour Prime Minister after all.

Hammer and Pickle 7:31 Wed Jun 21
Maj's colour-coded STATEMENT today must have raised an eyebrow or two - what WAS she thinking about?

cholo 7:30 Wed Jun 21

He wasn't going to bother, but the TEMPTATIONS became too much.

Nurse Ratched 7:19 Wed Jun 21
Westhammerer 4:03

What did you think of the weather when you popped out for lunch?

Was it at least THREE DEGREES hotter than you expected?

Toe Rag 6:40 Wed Jun 21
Re: Day of Rage
A mate of mine's a SWUppie, I went for a drink with some of them once, they were all so very earnest and argued about who got to take the big heavy flag away with them at the end of the day.

I bet none of them want to carry the fucking thing in this heat.

goose 6:34 Wed Jun 21
Re: Day of Rage
a march for the few and not the many?

Nurse Ratched 6:32 Wed Jun 21
Re: Day of Rage
I've had a rather SPLENDID day.

goose 6:31 Wed Jun 21
Re: Day of Rage
pic i saw of them around Piccadily was a very poor turnout.
the heat appeared to have made the march very lack lustre.

Kaiser Zoso 6:28 Wed Jun 21
Re: Day of Rage
Day of Being Slightly Miffed

Nurse Ratched 6:27 Wed Jun 21
Re: Day of Rage
How has it panned out, then?

(I don't watch the news)

stewie griffin 6:24 Wed Jun 21
Re: Day of Rage
well, I must say this has been quite magnificent

Mike Oxsaw 5:50 Wed Jun 21
Re: Day of Rage
Don't forget that it's the 3rd week of Ramadan so a large section of the UK population won't even be able to peacefully drag a comb through their hair, let alone make their way to central London and go for a wander.

Mr Anon 5:25 Wed Jun 21
Re: Day of Rage
That's what happens when your political movement relies on students and the work shy. They won't turn up of its a nice day

Fo the Communist 5:21 Wed Jun 21
Re: Day of Rage
Nurse - I have no truck with ‘these people’ whoever they are or were nor with John McDonnell. Nor do I think they have an impact other than a negative one on the cause of the left. In fact I subscribe to the view they are largely fucking spastics.
I hope that clarifies my position and apologies for any ambiguity in other posts.

Mike Oxsaw 5:11 Wed Jun 21
Re: Day of Rage
How about a Day of Votes?

I know there was one recently - ir was all over the media so you can't have missed it - but I suspect there'll be another one along again shortly.

How about spending your valuable time and effort...oh, wait, let me get it straight - you and your time & effort ARE valuable, are they not? Worth much more than you currently get, right? So how about putting all your energy, expertise & experience into a big, fuck-off campaign to get the right people elected next time.

Or, better still, just fuck off - you're not helping the situation.

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